
A fast way to visit Google services

We are sharing with you a fast and private way to visit Google services.

Configure for Windows

Step 1: Click to download the exe file and install it to your Windows device: <<<Download>>>. Run the APP on your laptop, and don’t quit it.

Step 2: Open the official website: https://www.v2ny.co/ through the browser on your laptop and login your account. Go to top right language menu and change the language to English.

Step 3: Go to dashboard. You will see “Quick import” area. Click “Clash Subscribe” button there, and then agree to let the browser open the APP that you just installed. The setting data will be automatically imported to your APP.

Step 4: Then move on to your application. Click “General” tab and switch on “System Proxy” that will be showing green for on.

Step 5: Click “Profiles” tab. You will see the connection has been there, and double click it until it turns green.

Step 6: You can then click “Proxies” tab to switch connection locations. Choose the fastest one that has the large numbers in green.

Configure for Android

Step 1: Click to download the apk file and install it to your Android device: <<<Download>>>.

Step 2: Open the official website: https://www.v2ny.co/ through the browser on your android device and login your account. Go to top right language menu and change the language to English.

Step 3: Go to dashboard. You will see “Quick import” area. Click “Clash Subscribe” button there, and then agree to let the browser open the APP that you just installed. You will be redirected to the APP data setting page. The setting data will be automatically imported to your APP. Click the right-top icon on the data setting page to save the setting.

Step 4: Click to select the option named “奈云“, and then go back to the homepage of the APP. Then tap the big button to start connecting the internet and click to agree the connect setup. Everything works when the “Running” button shows.

Nov. 17, 2023


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